
Showing posts from 2018

Yoga poses for sciatica

Sadhak Anshit Yoga Classes Sciatica is becoming a household problem these days. It is a preventive condition and mostly occurs due to wrong body postures and sedentary lifestyles. Sciatica is the longest nerve in the body that stems out from the spine and travelling down to the back of each leg. When the blood circulation in the area is reduced, or this nerve is pressed, shooting pain is felt, making sitting and standing difficult. The pain surges when the person is seated. Sciatica can occur due to other spinal disorders such as spondylitis, spinal stenosis, a ruptured disc or lower back injury. All of these conditions put stress on the Sciatic nerve, thereby, inducing more pain. Common Symptoms of Sciatica 1.  The pain occurs on only one side of the lower back and then slowly extends to the buttocks, the legs and down to the feet. Some people have a shooting pain in one area of the leg and experience numbness in the others. 2.  The weakness of the back and the lower leg a

Padma Mayurasana

Padma Mayurasana – Lotus in Peacock Pose Padma Mayurasana or Lotus in Peacock Pose is done by first assuming the Lotus pose (Padmasana) and then performing Mayurasana or the peacock pose. It is an advanced asana. It requires good strength of the arms and the abdominal muscles along with a good sense of balance. Padma Mayurasana is known to be good for all problems of the digestive system. It improves digestion, removes constipation, improves function of the pancreas and removes toxins from the blood. Padma Mayurasana should not be done by those suffering from high blood pressure and those who had recent surgery affecting the abdomen or chest region. Also, women should avoid this pose during pregnancy. How to do Padma Mayurasana (Lotus in Peacock Pose)?? Assume the Lotus Pose or Padmasana. To perform Padmasana sit on the floor on the yoga mat with legs stretched out. Fold the right leg and place it on the left thigh. Then hold the left leg just above the ankle and pull it toward

Yoga Retreat With Sadhak Anshit

Get ready to experience the yoga retreats like never before. Welcome to the Shiva Yoga Retreat Center which gives students an opportunity to experience a precise and affordable 10-day blissful Meditation and Yoga retreat, every month, throughout the year in Uttarakhand, India. Listen to the sweet sounding birds, the trickling waters of the holy river and be absorbed in the breath-taking view of our jungle location. Life at the Shiva Yoga retreat center provides an inner transformation to you as an individual. With proficient and notable yoga instructors imparting the ancient and traditional lifestyle of yoga, the stint with us will be a profound expeprience which you will treasure throughout your life. Come and explore your inner dimensions and the mystery of yoga. Post the completion of this course, you will get a 100 hours Yoga Certificate from Shiva Yoga Centre, a unit of Sadhana Yoga Institute Pvt. Ltd. (India) }}RETREAT HIGHLIGHTS •2 daily Yoga Classes •1 daily Meditation C

Yoga as a Cereer

Career in Yoga We are today living in a world where people have become more health conscious than they ever were. We can also owe this sudden change due to the nature of jobs and increasing lifestyle diseases. The people are today more at risk as work involves sitting in front of computer screens more than what it used to in the past. Yoga is an option which not only gets you the required work out but also relaxes you. Yoga is one the most natural ways of keeping the human body fit and in shape.  It is something that has also spread its wings to most western countries as well. This natural system which began as back as three thousand years ago has been maximising on its benefits and making a difference for most people and enduring them with health and happiness. Yoga as a Cereer Mostly professionals who have been sharing their knowledge of the science of meditation and yoga are called yogis or Yoga Teachers. With the rise in reputation of holistic and alternative medical care, a lo

Difference between Yoga and Meditation

Today Yoga is in vogue. Everybody wants to do Yoga. Many people considered that there is no difference between yoga and meditation. For the beginners and the uninformed, I would like to explain how and  what is the difference between yoga and meditation . Meditation and Yoga are related in the sense; Meditation is a section or a part of Yoga. WHAT IS YOGA? First of all, Yoga is not a religion.   Yoga is a way of life  that aims to remove obstacles and suffering from life to attain the highest spiritual goal ‘Samadhi’ or self-realisation or union with higher consciousness. Yoga entails different paths and practices that help in achieving the desired results. It is very unfortunate that the commercial fitness industry is trying to use Yoga as a gimmick for materialistic gains and sales purposes. Yoga is not all about stretching and adjunct to intense physical exercises. Yoga is much more than that- Yoga is for everyday living. It is a holistic approach to healthy living. Y

सक्रिय तथा निष्क्रिय ध्यान की विधियाँ

ध्यान की विधियों को दो श्रेणियों में विभाजित किया जा सकता है –  सक्रिय ध्यान की विधियाँ और निष्क्रिय ध्यान की विधियाँ । सक्रिय ध्यान वह ध्यान है जिसमें शरीर सक्रिय होता है, क्रियाशील होता है, शरीर में गति होती है; और निष्क्रिय ध्यान वह होता है जिसमें शरीर स्थिर होता है, शांत होता है, विश्राम में होता है, इसमें कोई गति नहीं होती । सक्रिय ध्यान सक्रिय ध्यान की जितनी विधियाँ हैं उनमें से पहली विधि के बारे में चर्चा करेंगे, जो की है ओशो की सक्रिय ध्यान विधि यानि डाइनैमिक मेडिटेशन । इस विधि के चार चरण हैं । पहली विधि- पहली विधि  में बहुत बलपूर्वक साँस छोड़नी है , पूरी त्वरा में, पूरी शक्ति उढ़ेल देनी है । बस साँस बाहर छोड़नी है, बस साँस छोड़ना है । जितनी ऊर्जा से आप साँस छोड़ सकते हैं, छोड़ें । अपने आपको उढ़ेल दीजिए । ओशो कहते हैं कि साँस लेने की चिन्ता न करें, शरीर स्वयं साँस ले लेगा । बस आप छोड़ने की चिन्ता करें । साँस छोड़ें पूरे ज़ोर से, पूरी तन्मयता से, पूरी सघनता से, पूरी तीव्रता से, पूरी मस्ती से, अपनी पूरी हस्ती से, बस साँस छोड़ें । तो इस चरण में 15 मिनिट इस विधि से