
Showing posts from May, 2019

What is the Correct Yogic Diet?

I get asked a lot what the best nutrition practice is for yogis, and what type of diet a yogi should adopt. What might seem like a pretty straightforward question is actually more complex than you might think. When we talk about nutrition from a yogic perspective, there is a lot more at play than simply looking at the nutritional content of our food. While that is important and fuelling your body properly for practice is imperative to preventing injury, for the purpose of this blog post I’m referring to the energetic aspect of our nutrition. I’m talking about the dilemma that plagues many Yogis: To eat meat, or not too eat meat, that is the question. It’s a pretty loaded question. But over and over I’ve heard the same thing from many practitioners – after practicing for long enough, at some point, they just don’t feel good about eating meat or animal products anymore. I typically struggle to comment on this because I’ve found that when it comes to being vegan/vegetar